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Future of Gaming & E-Sports 2024

Find a games event that invites inclusion, sustainability and diversity

Multiracial cybersport gamers expressing success while raising hands up and smiling during participation in esports tournament in computer club
Multiracial cybersport gamers expressing success while raising hands up and smiling during participation in esports tournament in computer club
iStock / Getty Images Plus / Yaroslav Astakhov

Tim Endres

Director, gamescom, Koelnmesse GmbH

Social responsibility and environmental awareness are becoming increasingly important to the events industry. Major events have evolved beyond mere exchange and entertainment hubs to contribute to a more responsible future.

Events provide a platform for social engagement

Creating visibility for social responsibility projects is a crucial first step for events. Platforms like ‘gamescom cares’ exemplify this by supporting issues pertinent to the gaming community, such as climate and environmental protection, aid for those in need, diversity and education. Supported projects benefit from free booth space, allowing them to connect directly with the audience and raise awareness about their causes.

Step by step towards sustainability

Major events hold the power to inspire climate action among individuals and businesses. Increasingly, these events are adopting measures such as using recyclable materials, solar power and promoting public transport. Community involvement in smaller, impactful measures also garners attention. For example, the ‘gamescom forest’ initiative has expanded to cover over 25,000 m² near Bayreuth, thanks to community financial support. The event also offers vegetarian and vegan food options to help promote inclusivity and sustainability.

Major events hold the power to inspire climate action among individuals and businesses.

Event inclusion and accessibility

Ensuring that events are accessible to all, regardless of physical or mental limitations, is a key consideration. This involves providing barrier-free access and accessible restrooms, as well as encouraging exhibitors to adapt their booths to enhance the experience for individuals with mobility needs. For instance, all exhibitors at gamescom are encouraged to provide ramps at their booths to enable individuals in wheelchairs to access them just as easily.

Events appreciating everyone

Events serve as melting pots where people with shared passions come together, transcending age, gender, sexual orientation, origin or religion. Workshops and panels focused on diversity and inclusion create platforms for dialogue and awareness, fostering an environment of respect and appreciation. Additionally, the inclusion of families and children is vital. Areas like the ‘family & friends area’ at gamescom offer child and family-friendly content, promoting early educational access and highlighting gaming’s role in digital learning.

Sustainability, inclusion and diversity are not mere buzzwords; they are integral to the future of event organisation. By championing these values, the games industry can drive meaningful progress within society.

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